Grobina Adult Education center (PIC) - Latvia
Grobina Adult Education centre (PIC) was established in 1996. The centre works at the development of adult non-formal education courses, seminars, project implementation.
The objectives of Grobina Adult Education center:
to ensure qualitative adult education to all layers of society
to improve the contents of adult education accenting the needs of the 21st century and e-learning
to create adult education programmes to diminish the number of early school leavers
to promote middle aged and elderly adults to enrol in lifelong learning programmes
to stimulate adults to re-qualify and acquire a new profession
to improve the existing educational programmes and to develop new adult education programmes in accordance with the requirements of the European job market
to strengthen national and international cooperation
to develop non-traditonal and innovative study programmes (intergeneration courses and cooperative learning courses)
to create and maintain the database of adult education in the country
Grobina Adult Education centre is a member of Latvian Adult Education Association.
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Ecocenter Közhasznú Alapítvány - Hungary
Ecocenter Benefit Foundation connects education, culture, health and eco-friendly issues for sustainable, quality lifestyle and for the protection of the cultural and natural environment. The main activities of the Foundation are providing education and trainings in various subjects for individuals, schools, SMEs, organizations, consultation and competence recognition services in order to connect education and training with the qualitative, sustainable lifestyle. The foundation regularly organizes events, forums, workshops, health screening programs, conferences and thematic days for local people, children, youth, NGOs and companies in order to achieve its main goals.
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Asociacion de Innovacion Formaciony Empleo Para El Desarrollo Sostenible (AIFED) - Spain
AIFED is a local organization that works in the areas of training, culture and employment in Granada, Spain.
AIFED participates with other local, regional, national and international agencies in the organization of cultural activities and training for innovation and access to employment.
Their association develops programs and work activities and support for employment, they promote the development and promotion of volunteer programs, they support the incorporation of e-learning to education and professional training.
They also try to bring citizens closer to the European institutions through their participation in European programs.
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Ljudska Univerza, Zavod Za Izobrazevanje In Kulturo, Rogaska Slatina (LURS) - Slovenia
Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina has been a non-profit adult education and training provider for the community in the local region and wider for more than 50 years. During this period they have been covering 10 formal educational programmes that include both secondary schools and vocational training programmes (such as catering, cookery, sales, economy, childcare, transport, tourism). Their organization has offered numerous educational programmes in accordance with the needs and desires of the adult population for further training and education. The field of informal education is covered by providing various seminars, courses, lectures, literary evenings and many more. They also offer other forms of training that their centre providers, such as personal growth programmes, various workshops, computer courses for the unemployed and elderly, language courses, computer courses and accounting. They offer different educational programmes for adults with special needs for the local Care Work Centre. They have organized training programmes for other educationally and didactically deprived groups of adults, such as the immigrants, the unemployed and foreigners. They also offer 19 programmes of National vocational qualification and they organize various courses for unemployed people, such as language, computer and accounting courses, language and dance courses for children in kindergartens. They also have a University for Third Life Period, where they offer various lifelong learning activities to people over 55. The activities involve language courses, computer literacy courses, study groups, healthy lifestyle activities, lectures, workshops, trips and many more.
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G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited - Cyprus
The main aim of Eurosuccess Consulting is to inform and support, mainly individuals and enterprises, regarding the exploitation of European and National Funds. Through the utilization of the regarding funding opportunities they succeed the design, development and implementation of their strategic objectives thus meeting their operational needs.
In addition, Organization participates, both as coordinator and partner, in several projects under various European programs and initiatives, such as Lifelong Learning, ERASMUS + and Justice, as well as is one of the assessment bodies for proposals submitted under various EU programs.
In regards to the project management sector, Eurosuccess Consulting has broad experience regarding the development of materials, tools and methodologies concerning various skills/competencies (including ICT tools for assessment and training purposes as well as e-learning environments) for various groups such as Children, Youth, Adults, entrepreneurs, business executives and employees, vulnerable groups of the society such as people coming from the NEET group, prisoners and ex-prisoners and others.
Based on the above experience, knowledge and capabilities, as well as the established network with partner organizations and experts in Cyprus and abroad, Eurosuccess Consulting is in position to support any efforts needed for the development of successful proposals thus project implementation activities.
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Igor, Obrt za cjeloživotno učenje, vl.Igor Štavlic, Marindvor - Croatia
IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre was established in August 2019 by Igor Štavlić after his 25 years work experience in business sector and adult education sector. IGOR is a private company which is offering non-formal adult education. We are providing educations in the field of entrepreneurship and economy, rural tourism and ecotourism, teacher training courses, business communication, financial literacy, personal development and other education for the right skills for jobs and life skills, which is consistent with the European Skills Agenda. Until now, IGOR was engaged in lots of EU projects as a short-term expert for educations. In November 2020, IGOR, LLLC joined the Pact for Skills of the European Commission, as part of the European Skills Agenda, Skills for Jobs. Also, Igor Štavlić, the owner, is certified Trainer in Adult Education by the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education of Croatia and behalf of that IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre can provide the different educations and workshops for adults and other target groups. Depending on the specific requirements of specific groups, we collaborate with different external experts.